About Me

I am a current Ph.D. student at North Carolina State University. I am studying early childhood education policy and program analysis with a focus on school-based Pre-K programs and Pre-K program leadership.

I am a born-and-raised North Carolinian, having spent some time living abroad but happily settled back in the tar heel state. My interest in early childhood education began during my time teaching high school chemistry and realizing how important a strong foundation in education is for the later years of school. I have a BS in Psychology and a second major in Anthropology, with a minor in Chemistry. After teaching chemistry for two years, I attended Harvard University’s Graduate School of Education where I received a Master’s of Education in Human Development and Psychology. Currently, I work with Dr. Michael Little at NCSU where I study preschool policy regarding Pre-K leadership, effectiveness, and access. I also work with our NELA program., helping train our state’s future principals.

Poke around my website to learn more about my research ranging from my consulting projects, to rigorous nationally representative quanitative analyses, to my GIS mapping work of preschools!